Many people living in group quarters, such as crisis and interim housing, are at risk of being undercounted in the 2020 Census. This Group Quarters Operation series fact sheet provides advocates and stakeholders with an overview of how people living in crisis and interim housing will be counted during the 2020 Census.
Key Takeaways
- People living in crisis and interim housing (e.g., shelters for people experiencing homelessness) will be counted in the 2020
- Census as part of the Group Quarters enumeration (GQ)—a special operation to count people in group living situations.
- Crisis and temporary housing residents are counted using several methods. Housing administrators and 2020 Census enumerators will decide jointly which method to use for each location.
- Shelters for victims/survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner violence (DV/IPV) are counted using special procedures that help protect the privacy and safety of their residents.